Philippine Nursing Law of 2012 (RA 9173) – Regulations & Requirements

Understanding the Philippine Nursing Law of 2012 (RA 9173)

As nursing professional, important have deep laws regulations practice Philippines. Law Philippine Nursing Law 2012, known Republic Act 9173. Law provides regulation development nursing profession country, high nursing practice promoting welfare Filipino nurses.

Key Provisions of RA 9173

RA 9173 contains key designed quality nursing education, practice nursing, rights Filipino nurses. Notable provisions include:

Provision Description
Board Nursing Establishes Board Nursing regulatory responsible nursing education practice Philippines.
Nursing Education Sets the standards for nursing education programs and institutions, ensuring that students receive high-quality training and preparation for the nursing profession.
Nursing Licensure Examination Outlines the requirements and procedures for taking the nursing licensure examination, which is a crucial step for aspiring Filipino nurses to practice legally.
Code Ethics Nurses Establishes a code of ethics for nurses, outlining the professional conduct and responsibilities expected of Filipino nurses in their practice.

Impact of RA 9173 on the Nursing Profession

Since its enactment, RA 9173 has had a significant impact on the nursing profession in the Philippines. It has helped raise the standards of nursing education and practice, resulting in a more competent and qualified nursing workforce. Moreover, the law has provided a legal framework for protecting the rights and welfare of Filipino nurses, ensuring that they are treated fairly and ethically in their professional endeavors.

Personal Reflections

As a nursing professional, I am deeply appreciative of the Philippine Nursing Law of 2012 (RA 9173) and its positive impact on the nursing profession. The provision of high-quality education and the regulation of nursing practice have not only elevated the status of Filipino nurses but also improved the overall healthcare delivery in the country. Proud part profession governed comprehensive progressive law.

RA 9173 is a vital piece of legislation that has contributed to the growth and development of the nursing profession in the Philippines. Crucial nursing professionals familiarize provisions law uphold standards practice.

Legal Contract for Philippine Nursing Law of 2012 (RA 9173)

This contract serves as a binding agreement between the parties involved in the practice of nursing in the Philippines, in accordance with the Philippine Nursing Law of 2012 (RA 9173).

Article 1: Definitions Interpretations

For purposes contract, following terms phrases understood following meanings:

  • Nursing Act – refers Republic Act No. 9173, otherwise known as the “Philippine Nursing Act of 2002.”
  • Board Nursing (BON) – refers Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Board Nursing, established provisions Nursing Act.
  • Registered Nurse (RN) – refers individual who successfully passed Nursing Licensure Examination duly registered licensed practice nursing Philippines.
Article 2: Scope Application

This contract applies to all registered nurses practicing in the Philippines, in compliance with the provisions set forth in the Nursing Act. Provisions contract serve guidelines conduct, ethical practice, legal responsibility.

Article 3: Obligations Responsibilities

All registered nurses are obligated to uphold the standards of nursing practice as prescribed by the Nursing Act and the Board of Nursing. Such obligations include, but are not limited to, providing competent and compassionate care, maintaining patient confidentiality, and adhering to ethical principles and professional standards.

Article 4: Violations Penalties

Any registered nurse found to be in violation of the provisions of the Nursing Act or the terms of this contract may be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Nursing, in accordance with the prescribed penalties and sanctions.

Article 5: Governing Law

This contract shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, particularly the provisions of the Nursing Act of 2012 (RA 9173) and other relevant regulations and legal precedents.

Top 10 Legal Questions about Philippine Nursing Law of 2012 (RA 9173)

Question Answer
1. What are the qualifications for taking the nursing licensure examination under RA 9173? Well, let me tell you, the qualifications for taking the nursing licensure examination under RA 9173 include being a citizen of the Philippines or a foreign citizen whose country has reciprocity with the Philippine nursing law, being of good moral character, and not convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude.
2. What are the powers and functions of the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing? Now, this is interesting – the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing has powers and functions such as setting and enforcing the qualifications and standards for nursing practice, conducting licensure examinations, and ensuring compliance with the nursing law.
3. Can foreign nurses practice in the Philippines under RA 9173? Ah, foreign nurses can practice in the Philippines under RA 9173, but they must meet certain requirements, such as obtaining a certificate of registration from the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing and passing the licensure examination.
4. What are the prohibited acts under RA 9173? Well, let me tell you – some of the prohibited acts under RA 9173 include practicing nursing without a valid certificate of registration, using fraud or deceit in obtaining a nursing license, and acting as a nurse without the necessary qualifications.
5. Are there continuing professional development requirements for nurses under RA 9173? Yes, indeed! Nurses are required to undertake continuing professional development programs in order to renew their licenses under RA 9173. Ensure stay updated latest developments nursing profession.
6. Can a nurse be disciplined for violating the provisions of RA 9173? Absolutely! If a nurse is found to have violated the provisions of RA 9173, they may be subject to disciplinary action by the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing, which could include suspension or revocation of their license.
7. What are the requirements for obtaining a certificate of registration as a nurse in the Philippines? Well, to obtain a certificate of registration as a nurse in the Philippines, one must have graduated from a recognized and accredited nursing school, passed the nursing licensure examination, and met other requirements set by the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing.
8. Can a nurse delegate nursing activities to unlicensed personnel under RA 9173? No, no, no! A nurse cannot delegate nursing activities to unlicensed personnel under RA 9173. Responsible nursing care patients must ensure tasks delegated others within scope practice.
9. What grounds suspension revocation nurse`s license RA 9173? Now, this is crucial – some grounds for the suspension or revocation of a nurse`s license under RA 9173 include gross negligence, malpractice, conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, and unprofessional conduct.
10. What are the penalties for violating the provisions of RA 9173? If nurse found violated provisions RA 9173, may subject penalties fines, suspension license, even revocation license, depending severity violation.